Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Back to Basics

I had one of those days recently. You know, one of those days where you just aren't feeling IT. One of those days that you just feel tired, crumby and maybe even sick. Yes, one of THOSE days. I personally, don't like those days because I don't feel myself. I feel like an alien. I enjoy feeling inspired, motivated, joyful, and excited. So when I have one of those days I don't like it! So what did I do? Well, first I tried to refocus my attention, change my mindset. Next, I tried to engage in activities that are inspiring to me. That should do it, right? Well, maybe. But not that day. I found myself in a real funk both physically and emotionally. So when the usual didn't work I had to go back to the basics, I had to take the time to honor myself! In that moment I realized that I had been extremely busy lately both with family and work. I realized honoring myself was taking the day off and getting some much needed rest.

Most people that know me can attest to how strongly I feel about honoring ones feelings. I think it's extremely important to acknowledge and honor whatever situation you are in and whatever feeling you are experiencing. It is important to validate who you are becoming. By taking the time to honor where you are in this moment, you allow yourself to heal and move forward. If you don't take the time to honor where you are and instead you deny it, we all know what happens- it comes back to haunt us later. On the other hand if we dwell on the feeling or situation and we don't let it go, we become stuck. Whenever, you find yourself having one of THOSE days, take time to honor yourself.

Ideas for Honoring Yourself:

Take a nap
Pamper yourself with a spa treatment
Go for coffee with a good friend
Treat yourself to some ice cream
Take the day off
Go to the park
Watch a movie

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